13: Jessica Armstrong, Write/Speak/Code
Jessica Armstrong joins me to talk about Write/Speak/Code, a non-profit organization that promotes writing, speaking, and open-source participation among marginalized genders.
As a long-time volunteer for W/S/C and, more recently, its first paid employee, Jessica has first-hand experience with the challenges of maintaining a small non-profit. We also talk about how an organization built around in-person events has adapted to virtual events during the pandemic.
Also discussed in this episode:
- Minecraft
- Agile Software Development
- Agile Principles
- Write/Speak/Code
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (Wikipedia)
- Women Who Code
- Rebecca Miller-Webster
- The Op-Ed Project
- KatieConf
- Lara Hogan
- Meetup
- Dana Pylayeva
- Liberating Structures
- The Women in Tech Pipeline “Problem”
- Psychological Safety (Google re:Work)
- The pipeline leads to a sewage treatment plant (Twitter)
- Why Tech’s Approach to Fixing Its Gender Inequality Isn’t Working (HBR)
You can follow @writespeakcode on Twitter to learn more and support Write/Speak/Code on Patreon.
Companies interested in sponsoring Write/Speak/Code should contact sponsor@writespeakcode.com.
The theme music is Mandelbrot Set from the album Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow by Jonathan Coulton, used under a Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 License, edited and shortened.