Episode 2: Richard Harrington
In this episode, I talk with Richard Harrington about his career as a clown and a JavaScript developer, not necessarily in that order.
Also discussed in this episode:
- Superbad.com
- Computer Stores of the 70s and 80s (PC World)
- Apple IIe and Apple IIc
- BASIC on the Apple II
- !!Con (“bang bang con”)
- Video: BASIC and assembly on an Apple IIc (YouTube, !!Con 2017)
- Clearing the Apple II Low-Resolution Graphics Screen (Compute! magazine March 1981)
- UCSD Pascal
- Broadway vs. Off-Broadway vs. Off-Off Broadway (Playbill magazine)
- Chris Kauffman (Gettysburg College)
- David Shiner and Bill Irwin in Fool Moon (N.Y. Times review)
- Cabaret Terrarium (YouTube)
- IndyFringe (Indianapolis Fringe Festival)
- Surf Reality (Wikipedia)
- QuarkXPress (Wikipedia)
- Adobe Illustrator (Wikipedia)
- The Forward (Wikipedia; formerly The Jewish Daily Forward)
- Les Chauds Lapins (“The Hot Rabbits”)
- ITP (NYU/Tisch)
- HTTP Request
- Scheme programming language (MIT)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP; MIT OpenCourseWare)
- The Little Schemer (MIT Press)
- Socratic Method (Wikipedia)
- Meetup
- User’s Group (Wikipedia)
- JavaScript (Mozilla)
- PHP and MySQL
- Evite
- Turtleherder
- Adobe InDesign
- VBScript (Wikipedia) and AppleScript
- ActionScript (Adobe)
- Imposter Syndrome (Mental Floss)
- GitHub
- NYU Continuing Education
- Pedro Ha
- Lisp NYC meetup
- Papers We Love
- The Recurse Center (formerly Hacker School)
- Clojure programming language
- SoundCloud Lays Off 40% of Staff (The Register)
- Hustle Text-Distribution Tool (Techcrunch)
- Somos Un Pueblo Unido
- Kafka
- Kotlin programming language
- Java programming language
- Scala programming language
- Ruby programming language
- OCaml programming language
- Python programming language
- String (programming term)
- Perl programming language
- Assembly Language (Merriam-Webster)
- C programming language (howstuffworks)
- C++ programming language
- What is Linux? (Linux.com)
- Ruby on Rails
- Prolog programming language (Wikipedia)
- Register (computer term)
- Harrington and Kauffman
- Code Learning Doing
The theme music is Mandelbrot Set from the album Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow by Jonathan Coulton, used under a Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 License, edited and shortened.